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内容 |
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題名 |
Title |
Automation of Water Works with Chaos Prediciton and Control of Water Demand |
著者 |
大島信夫((株)明電舎) |
Authors |
著者表記 |
著者表記(英) |
著者勤務先名 |
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著者所属名 |
キーワード |
上水道,浄水場,水運用,需要予測,予測制御,モデル予測制御,複雑系,カオス制御,最適化,ファジィ,省エネルギー,維持管理,カオス |
Key Words |
概要 |
Abstract |
The amount of water supply of water is changed with regards to the weather, temperature, a day of the week, etc. On the other hand, it is a fact that the amount of water supply was decided by operation by opening and closing of a faucet gathering. Therefore, it can be said that the amount of water supply constitutes the complex systems. In this paper, we performed short-term water demand forecasting using the chaos theory suitable for the analysis of the complex systems. Furthermore, stable operation of a water purification plant, energy saving, curtailment of power rates, a cost cut, and laborsaving are realizable by controlling water purification plants and distribution reservoirs by the method which optimized water management by "Chaotic Demand Predictive Control". |
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