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題名 |
Title |
Applicability Evaluation of the SWAT Model in the Pampanga River Basin, Philippines |
著者 |
矢澤大志1, 2),本田貴之3) |
Authors |
Taishi Yazawa 1,2) and Takayuki Honda 1) |
著者表記 |
1)立命館大学理工学部環境都市工学科 2) Masterʼs Program in Environmental Engineering, Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 3)立命館大学理工学部環境システム工学科 |
著者表記(英) |
1) College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University 2) Masterʼs Program in Environmental Engineering, Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University, Hanoi |
著者勤務先名 |
Office name |
著者所属名 |
キーワード |
パンパンガ川流域,SWAT,水資源管理,土地被覆変化,水源涵養機能 |
Key Words |
Pampanga River basin, SWAT, water resources management, land cover change, water recharge function |
概要 |
本研究はフィリピン・パンパンガ川流域へのSoil & Water Assessment Toolモデルの適用と仮想の対照流域の設定により,流域の水源涵養機能のポテンシャルを検証した。全球データと米国のデータベースを組み合わせてモデルを構築し,月別日平均河川流量を計算した。流域内の森林拡大・回復シナリオ下では,乾季の流量変化率(−5.0〜0.4%) に比べて雨季の流量変化率(−9.2〜0.0%)が大きくなり,雨季の洪水緩和が期待できることが明らかとなった。今後水文モデルを用いて流域の持つポテンシャルや特性を評価し,効果的な水資源管理の設計へ役立てていくことが望まれる。 |
Abstract |
This research investigates the water recharge function by applying the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to the Pampanga River Basin, Philippines and setting land cover change scenarios as control areas. The global data and the parameter database available in the United States were used in the SWAT application process. The constructed SWAT model simulated decreases, from −9.2 to 0.0 percent changes, in the monthly average daily flow rate during the rainy season under the reforestation scenarios. Thus, it was revealed that the forest in the basin has flood mitigation potential. Although the performance of the SWAT model needs to be improved with a further collection of local data, it enables us to reveal the unique characteristics and potential of the basin so that effective water resources management could be designed. |
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