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内容 |
特集論文 |
巻 |
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題名 |
Title |
The Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide Addition during Ozonation in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter |
著者 |
小坂浩司1, 山田春美2, 津野洋2, 清水芳久3, 松井三郎4 |
Authors |
Koji Kosaka1, Harumi Yamada2 , Hiroshi Tsuno2, Yoshihisa Shimizu3 and Saburo Matsui4 |
著者表記 |
著者表記(英) |
著者勤務先名 |
1国立保健医療科学院水道工学部,2京都大学大学院工学研究科,3京都大学大学院工学研究科附属流域圏総合環境質研究センター,4京都大学大学院地球環境学堂 |
Office name |
1Department of Water Supply Engineering, National Institute of Public Health, 2Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, 3Resear |
著者所属名 |
キーワード |
溶存有機物,微量有害化学物質,オゾン,ヒドロキシルラジカル,過酸化水素,反応速度定数 |
Key Words |
Dissolved organic matter, micropollutant, ozone, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, reaction rate constant |
概要 |
2種の表流水、1種の表流水由来の天然有機物、および1種の下水二次処理水を用いて、溶存有機物(DOM)のオゾンおよびHO?との反応性、オゾン処理におけるH2O2添加効果におよばすDOMの影響について検討した。オゾンの分解速度は急速反応部位(Site A)と緩速反応部位(Site B)とに分けることで表現できた。DOC当たりのSite Aの量、Site Aのオゾンとの反応速度定数およびDOC当たりのSite Bのオゾンとの反応速度定数は、それぞれ1.9〜6.8 ?mol mgC-1、9.0x104〜1.6x105 M-1s-1、3.5x10-3〜1.1x10-2 L mgC-1 s-1であった。また、DOC当たりのHO?との反応速度定数は1.4x104〜2.9x104 L mgC-1 s-1であった。H2O2の添加効果はDOMの質によらずSite A分解後に表れ、このとき、オゾンの分解速度の上昇およびオゾン消費量当たりのHO?生成量が増加した。 |
Abstract |
The reaction rate constants of dissolved organic matter (DOM) with ozone and hydroxyl radical (HO?) were determined at pH 7.0, and the effects of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) adding during ozonation in the presence of DOM were evaluated. Two surface waters, a commercially available natural organic matter and a secondary effluent were used as DOM solutions. The kinetics of ozone decomposition could be separated into two phases, i.e., rapid decomposition phase (Site A) and slow decomposition phase (Site B). Initial concentration of Site A per dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of DOM, reaction rate constant of Site A with ozone and reaction rate constant of Site B with ozone per DOC of DOM were in the range of 1.9〜6.8 ?mol mgC-1, 9.0x104〜1.6x105 M-1 s-1 and 3.5x10-3〜1.1x10-2 L mgC-1 s-1, respectively. Reaction rate constant of DOM with HO? per DOC of DOM was in the range of 1.4x104〜2.9x104 L mgC-1 s-1. The effects of H2O2 addition were observed after the decomposition of Site A. The ozone decomposition rate and the ratio of HO? generated per ozone decomposed increased by H2O2 addition. |
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